Sunday, September 28, 2008

Me and My Probiotics

Let's not talk about yeast.

Let's just say that years ago, my midwife told me to buy some liquid acidophilus and drink the stuff to better some health issues I had. I remember telling my R.N. Aunt Helen that it was like drinking rotten yogurt. She responded, "Well, essentially, you are!"

More health issues have arisen so I moseyed into Whole Foods the other day and made my way to the refrigerator in the supplement section. That place is STOCKED with all the happy bacteria you could ever use. I spent some time just reading labels and wondering what on earth some of those potions are good for. Then I picked out my 16-ounce bottle of "Blueberry Pro-96 Acidophilus Probiotic" and made my way to the check out counter to buy it-- along with a seventy-five dollar fruit snack Bethanie picked out (GEEZ-O-PETE that place is costy!)

So now I'm dosing on this stuff - about two tablespoons a day and I will refrain from reporting the effect it has. But I love the label, which I will quote for the benefit of any who have never tried this stuff: "At the time of manufacture, this potent probiotic contains billions of organisms per serving." A serving size is one tablespoon and, as I mentioned, this is a 16-ounce jar, so I can't even multiply that high! the number of organisms I'm ingesting is staggering! Go, little guys! Restore my healthy flora!!! (Ew.)


Rachel said...

Probiotics rock! And be grateful for what you have, the health food store here is not only way more expensive than Whole Foods, their products and selection are crappier. I've had to revert to Western medicine cause I can't afford the alternative stuff.

Laura said...

My mom was here last week and see bought some pills at Trader Joe's, do the pills work? I'm curious.

Unknown said...

I'm sure they do - just depends on what form you prefer your bacteria!!! :)
Which makes me wonder WHO would choose drinking rotten yogurt over swallowing a pill? Maybe the liquid is "fast-acting!" Again, I'm smiling about all this. Maybe my resident expert Rachel will chime in?

Home Sweet Home said...

Ok, I have to say I am not an expert on probiotics, but Alyson and I both take them. Our friend Aaryn has become quite the expert thanks to a friend of hers who is an expert. I beleive from Aaryn that Kefir is the ultimate probiotic. I bought some at Whole foods and found it tasty. Aaryn makes her own with milk and I beleive a seed of some sort. The one I bought was made with "evaporated cane juice" something I can have, and so it was even a little sweet. I think even better than that is the fermented vegetables that Aaryn is making that have loads of probiotics in them. So, if you need anymore help call Aaryn. I am hoping to get some time to go over there and learn to make the vegetables. We are on a mission of health together.

Unknown said...

Oh, no. I already hate vegetables, so I can't imagine fermented vegetables. Maybe you need to post some more about this on your blog because I'd like to learn more.

Laura said...

Fermented veggies don't sound too tasty....ewwwww!

Aaryn said...

Hello long lost friend! Been meaning to e-mail you's been crazy. Just have to say a word to support my fermented vegetables. They taste like pickles. Full of great bacteria and lactic acid (which helps digest sugar products that Ellie can't process). While they might sound disgusting, I really can't sing their praises enough. You just have to be desperate enough, I guess. When you have a daughter whose stomach is so distended that she looks like a starving ethiopian baby and who reserves bowel movements for a weekly occurrence, you're willing to try anything. Since I've started the fermented vegetables and kefir, she poops in the toilets...everyday. praise God! Anyway, I'll e-mail soon. Hope all is well down under and with you in general. Love, Me

Unknown said...

Aaryn! So good to hear from you! And thanks for chiming in about fermented veggies - what a topic. I'm glad you're finding solutions to health problems, though I'm sorry your daughter is having them. I need to find out what kefir is - I saw it but have never learned about it.
Veeeeeeery interesting, really.