Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday Night -vs- Thursday Night

On Monday nights, we have survived the start of the week. Energy levels are high. Every dish is clean and in its place. Toys are picked up. Laundry is done and everyone has a fresh pile of undies in their dresser drawers. Meals have been planned and I even had the foresight to thaw something for dinner.

By Thursday night, I'm not sure I'll make it to Saturday without just the "teeniest little bit of crack cocaine."* The dishes are in a two-foot-tall pile leaning up and out of the sink. A dirty diaper sits on the stairway, and Nerf darts are poking out of the window blinds. More than one member of the family has no clean pants. Dinner choices include frozen fish sticks or pasta and meatless sauce.

Granted, I've been sick this week. But regardless, I always prefer Monday nights to Thursdays when it comes to energy level. There's a reason more people order pizza on Friday than Monday. It's not just to celebrate the weekend. The gosh-honest truth is that in households like mine, there isn't one clean dish or desire to cook left.

*Just kidding! Don't send the police to my house. I got this from an SNL shampoo commercial parody starring Kelly Ripa.


Blah Blah Layla said...

Now if only you could get the pizza delivery guy to also wash your dishes!!

Katie and Mark said...

LOL It's a lot of work to make it through the week! And now, I am really craving pizza! Ü

Kristi said...

Amen sister. I am with you on the unraveling of all things organized and peaceful as the week progresses. Except I don't think my Monday nights even start as pretty as yours :)

littlecbsmom said...

I am kind of the opposite, but have the same feeling. I ususally get the house together on Friday or Saturday then it goes right downhill from there especially when it comes to dinner;)

Las Vegas Mama said...

Wow you have a day in the week where everything is put away and clean?? You are my hero.