Tomorrow is my height day. Most people I know celebrated theirs sometime in the last week or so. Except for the children in my life. Most of theirs are in February or March. My matron of honor celebrated hers April 11th, though.
Lots of important days right around now. Cinco de Mayo, my height day, Mother's Day coming up, Memorial Day. It's all I can do to get the festivities organized.
(Good thing my "Golden Height Day" isn't until 2029. I have time to plan something REALLY special.)
Ok, what is height day? I have to say I don't think I have ever heard of it, but my brain is kind of mushy right now!
Height day = the calendar date that represents your height in feet and inches. I'm 5'8" so 5/8 (May 8th) is my height day. I'm surprised you never heard of it! It's supposedly big in the Pacific Northwest.
I've never heard of it either. I'm glad Suzie asked.
I hadn't heard of it either...
Maybe I just made it up...
... yeah, I made it up for sure.
This is why I LOVE reading you blog! Now I have a new reason to celebrate on May 2nd! Hip Hip Hooray for Height Day!!!
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