Once, when I was pregnant with somebody, my midwife told me to try to balance my protein and carb intake at breakfast. I found it highly unrealistic considering my stroooooooong penchant for cold cereal. But, I went to the health food store and bought some protein shake mix and that was my best effort.
Now, according to my new plan of attack on rage, anger, mood swings, and general psychoness - I have to eat more than 20 grams of protein at breakfast! (And one serving of a complex carb.) Spent a good amount of time on the internet last night educating myself on the protein content of many foods.
Breakfast this morning was two scrambled eggs, two tablespoons of peanut butter on a whole wheat pita, and a half a cup of milk. Egads. People always SAY breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, but I've never actually seen anybody DO it.
Also, there are beans in my future. I have never soaked and cooked my own beans. Cans are just so nice and convenient. Last night I read the bag, the cookbook, and a couple of recipes online and soaked my pintos! Cooked 'em for 90 minutes this morning. Ate 'em with rice and cheese for lunch. Then looked around for dessert for one pleasant moment before I remembered I'm on Day 9 of "No Sugar!" Only stayed sad and desperate for a fraction of a second before I brewed some sweet and spicy (no sugar, no caffeine) tea. Which also helps with the lovely chest cold I have.

I need more bean recipes. And breakfast ideas that don't make me want to barf. Really, I should be planning a memorial service for cold cereal, my long-time companion. Is there a blog out there written by a girl like me with sugar issues, four kids, cooking retardation, and no love for vegetables? If you know of it, send the link my way!
Take your soaked pintos (1#) and put them in the crock pot. Add a chopped up onion and a can of fire roasted diced tomatoes and about 4-5 minced cloves of garlic. Cover with fresh water (not your soaking water) plus about an inch over the top of the beans. I know this part sounds gross but a tablespoon or two of bacon or sausage dripping is really a nice addition but you can leave it out if you want. Cook on low over night and through the next day. Spoon out some of the liquid and puree the beans in a blender, food processor or with my new fav kitchen gadget, the immersion blender. Add back the liquid as needed to make it the consistency of refried beans. Now taste it. It needs salt desperately. Add salt, brown sugar, cumin, cayene and black pepper, tasting and adding until it tastes good to you. The brown sugar is really important to bring out other flavors but it shouldn't take like a refried bean ice cream sundae. (Just in case my favorite sugar-a-holic wasn't sure on that point.) Let me know if you try it and what you think. I usually make it with 2 pounds of beans because left overs freeze beautifully.
Oh you have so inspired me! I too, have never cooked my own beans. Why the hec am I scared of that? I actually think your diet sounds good because I have never been a big cereal eater! It does sound like a lot of food! I wonder if that would help with my mid morning crash about 11:00; I have been trying many different varieties of breakfast with no luck yet!
Day 9 - That is wonderful! Congratulations!
I often do cottage cheese with yogurt for breakfast. Or cottage cheese with chopped apple or pear - can you do that? I also toss in a tbsp of pumpkin seeds.
One of my fave bean dishes is a can of black beans (yes, a can, can't find black beans any other way up here), some chopped celery, a chopped red pepper, drizzled with a tbsp of olive oil, 1.5 tbsp of balsamic, and a tsp of cumin.
I also make this casserole, it's not beans, but rice and lentils. Lentils are one of my favorite things.
Wow - these recipes sound great!
I had to be on the gestational diabetes diet the last 10 wks or so of my last pgncy - I ate a piece of whole wheat toast with a fried egg on top every morning, sometimes with cheese. Can you eat bread? Cottage cheese & fruit, yogurt (is there sugar-free yogurt??) with granola because I'm a huge cereal junkie as well.
It was a good habit I guess because I still eat the egg & toast most mornings, I'll snack on Pbutter with graham crackers, pita bread sandwiches, etc.
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