Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day past

Never did get out into the drear (much). Traipsed next door for lunch. Ran (literally) to the mailbox in the downpour. It rained for hours. We're going mildly stir-crazy, but soon the sun will shine again and everyone will be healthy (did I mention most of my children were ill yesterday?) and we'll make our way out into the world.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting anxiously for my new mental-health books to arrive and - as I love to do - analyzing the heck out of my average day to see where I want to make changes.

Things I observed today:

Journalling is VERY good for me. I am overly introspective and I need a place to spew all those thoughts and analyses. Putting them in a book just feels good. And getting stuff OUT of my brain and onto the paper is like taking a deep breath and relaxing. As if having it in writing gives me permission to quit ruminating on it.

Praying the rosary is almost vital. When I pray the rosary, I HAVE to focus on Jesus! In my regular prayer time, it's uncanny how even my prayers for others have a way of wandering back and focusing on me. But the rosary isn't about me. Another breath of fresh air.

Cleaning the bathtub makes my back hurt. (Well, it IS something I observed today.)

A little quiet built into the day is also worth the supreme effort it takes. During John's nap, the older kids all have to play quietly in their rooms for an hour. After I talked to a friend on the phone and prayed the rosary I rested on my many pillows and listened to the rain fall. It was only for a minute or two, but it gave me the boost I needed to move into the evening of dinner prep and other assorted responsibilities.

That's it for the observations, as I am observing how worn out I am. It's time to crash on the couch for a while.

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