Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"I Tripped" and other Easter memories

In keeping with the tradition of wearing a new outfit on Easter (found nowhere in the Bible), I wore a new turquoise-colored button-down dress with a bow on the FRONT (to accentuate the belly, seemingly), some new wedges, and jewelry to match. (Part of my new ensemble is visible in the little headshot photo now adorning my blog sidebar.)

We posed for a photo before church, then made our way to Mass. We had to combat a few other families for good seats to be near the kids' choir, but it was all in the Spirit of humility and generosity, I assure you. There was very little grumbling and dirty-look giving.

We walked in the tornadic winds from church to van, then gathered at home for our three-year-old tradition of a two-yard egg hunt. Only a few children had to be anchored to keep from blowing away in the ridiculous wind, the rest were heavy enough, or were weighed down by their candy-filled baskets.

On the way to the neighbors', my new shoes proved to be faulty when scrambling over the tiny rocks that cover my yard. Down I went. Glory and dignity and probably a cuss word under my breath. But no scrapes or bruises, thankfully.

Easter ham and lots of trimmings were served for lunch at the neighbors', then home to change into comfy clothes and try to "blow an egg". (I don't know what else you'd call this activity.) I bored a small hole at each end of an already-dyed egg and tried to blow the white and yolk out to make a delicate decoration. All that resulted was childbirth-like effort (nearly bursting all the capillaries in my face) and blue lips and teeth from the egg dye. I gave up and threw the whole mess in the trash.

The kids played the afternoon away while Kevin worked on an upcoming talk and I read The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. It was a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon, complicated only minorly by my recurring wistful wishes for a bustling, idyllic extended-family gathering. Though I THINK I know better than God, and often imagine what life would be like with dozens of loving relatives gathered 'round - He, in His wisdom (and love) has given me a different life. And can I really complain?---This one has good friends, great husband, lovely children, --- and Easter dinner at Sonic drive-in. My hamburger was delicious, in case you were curious.

1 comment:

Las Vegas Mama said...

I am pretty sure a new dress on Easter is somewhere in the Bible, you are just not looking hard enough. ;)