Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why Teri Blogs

I am not using first person in my title because I am stealing the idea for this post from a very eloquent writer over on this blog and I must differentiate my title. It is a FANTASTIC post that any mom should read. She links to other fantastic posts as well, so beware! Time flies online.

So, why do I blog? First let me show you a photo I took today:

Those are my journals from around 1989 to 1996-ish. Seven years-worth! I like to write, and I like to write about my life. Blogging is different in many obvious ways, but it's still sorta like journaling, only sometimes people read it and they can even comment! That's a journaler's dream come true!

Another reason I like to blog, is that it puts me in touch with other people who blog and we get to learn from each other and share experiences of all sorts.

I'll let this lead to the revelation of my "secret blog" as I've referred to it. My friend and fellow blogger, Rachel, told me about another blogger, a woman who lives close to me and lost her baby daughter to drowning just three months ago. Here was/is a woman who is going through the loss of her child - every mother's worst fear - and sharing the grief in her blog. I've called it "my secret" because I feel somehow guilty reading her daily posts - as if I am eavesdropping on her life and I can't understand why I keep going back. But this is an interesting phenomenon - it's entirely public! Probably hundreds if not more people are reading right along with me, and if you read what Stephanie writes, and the comments she receives, it appears that in sharing her life on her blog she is affecting so many people for good! Whether my blog posts ever touch lives or only lament the nuisance of fire ants in my kitchen, I still like this better in many ways (not all, but many) than the journal pile I keep shut in a drawer.

My "secret blog", actually titled "A Daily Scoop", can be found here. The photo of her daughter on the left sidebar links to the first post after the drowning.


Rachel said...

Well said, Teri. And I guessed that was the 'secret blog' you were referring to a few days ago. It's funny, I felt the same way when I started reading Stephanie's blog. It's hard to believe her blog could be so uplifting, but it is.

heather said...

Oh my goodness...."Holy Experience" is amazing. I am sitting here transfixed....with a lump in my throat. Wow! Part of me wishes that I did not click on your awesome links...I do NOT have time to enjoy them like I wish I could! Thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

Love the stack of journals, I can totally relate, although I usually just use a few pages then stop journaling til I buy the next journal that motivates me for another short time. I love to blog and hope I can keep at it. I love your blog, your better NEVER stop!

Laura said...

I love your new pic, you are so pretty!