Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ever get the feeling that you're overburdened by emotions, and the fix-it would be a long hike to the peak of some mountain where you could breathe deep and maybe yell at the top of your lungs for a minute or so? No? Me neither.

I told my mom today that I was still feeling bugged by my MIL's visit this weekend and my mom's response was, "are you going to see your counselor again soon?"

Still can't figure out babysitting to make it to counseling twice a month - but I gotta do it. Meanwhile... we had family prayer tonight, sent the kids to bed, and then I hopped in my friend Jenny's Volkswagen Jetta (so fun!) to zoom off for some frozen yogurt and an hour of free therapy with a friend. I was wearing my husband's 14 year-old baseball t-shirt and my Macy's jammy pants (complete with cheesburger pie spit-up around the ankle area), Old Navy flip-flops, my St. Catherine medal and end-of-the-day hair so I apologized to my professionally-dressed friend who just laughed at me. "As long as you don't see someone you know, right?" Problem is, every time I go to this particular yogurt hot-spot, I do see someone I know. Once I saw a friend from Weight Watchers, once my landlord, once a college friend. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, just after paying for my treat, about to plop down on the lime-green couch, I hear, "Teri!" and turned to see -- that's right --- my THERAPIST!!! My counselor! The woman I pay to listen to my issues now standing before me in the yogurt shop and smiling at me in all my casual glory.

I need to make an appointment, and soon!


heather said...

Of course you ran into your therapist. You can bet she will be bringing up your lack of "self-worth" (as evidenced by your pj's in public) at your next session. I feel so much better that I am not the only one who wears pj's in public!

Rachel said...

That's so funny, glad it was you and not me. I always bump into my therapist in the halls at church, but I'm generally my most put together at church. Ever since I started seeing her in this small town I've been dreading bumping into her at a bad moment, like the other day in Albertsons when my cart was stocked with way too much junk.