Monday, December 1, 2008


Vicki tagged me, and since I'm sitting here with Bethanie while she colors, I'm in!

According to the rules, I have to post six things that make me really happy... and pass it on to six more people.

I have to be honest, in my cynical state - I'd rather write a list of "Six People I'd like to be my pallbearers" or "Six things I dislike about Christmas" or "Six things I'd like to replace in my house". But I'll go with the original topic. However, when I tag six of you, please feel free to use any of the four topics.

Six things that make me happy:

1) Blogging (obviously, which is why I do it so much)

2) Spending spontaneous time with friends/neighbors.

3) Finishing the laundry

4) Running. Really.

5) People who know me well enough to know that my husband and children and my relationship with God all make me happy but I don't like to waste space on lists such as these stating the obvious.

6) People who have been to as much therapy as I have, and therefore know that nothing can make a person happy, it comes from within that person. Or from medication. Or denial. Or...

And, the six people:

Laura (I'm curious which list she'll pick)

Heather (because her lists usually make me happy)

Magan (I want to hear her pallbearer list)

Karen (since she doesn't blog enough to make me happy (see #6 above), so I'm giving her a topic)

Beth (I'm so glad she's blogging, I need to encourage it)

Suzie (since she's had lots of good time to reflect on things she's thankful for/things that make her happy)

1 comment:

Vicki aka Diva Mom said...

Oooh, I like your Meme ideas better! May have to re-tag myself!